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Signs Your Dental Implant Has Failed

June 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandchannahon @ 6:38 pm
dental implant failure

After receiving dental implants, the last thing you want to experience is a complication. Fortunately, these are rare, as placement has a high success rate. The potential for problems to form is possible, though, especially if poor oral hygiene is to blame. Whether it has been a few weeks or years since your surgery, here are three signs of a failed dental implant and what you can do to save your smile.


Are Braces Possible with Dental Implants?

March 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandchannahon @ 6:24 pm
patient inquiring about orthodontics

Patients with missing teeth who have turned to dental implants can now enjoy the effects of a complete smile. But what happens if surrounding teeth are crooked or misaligned? Can you get braces with dental implants? Because this question is a common one among dental professionals, spend some time learning why and how it is possible to see a straighter, more perfectly aligned smile even while wearing permanent prosthetics.


4 Stocking Stuffers For Healthier Smiles

December 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandchannahon @ 3:13 pm
Christmas stockings

When it comes to filling holiday stockings, many people reach for candy. It is small, delicious, and enjoyed by all. But it can wreak havoc on teeth and gums, causing cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease over time. Individuals who want to avoid a trip to the emergency dentist’s office this season can find a reprieve from the sweets. Discover four unique stocking stuffers that will keep smiles healthy and families happy.


Which Services Will Dental Insurance Cover?

October 12, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandchannahon @ 4:41 am
man researching dental insurance

Dental insurance can be difficult to approach for many patients. Attempting to understand the verbiage used as well as the breakdown of coverage can often leave individuals frustrated and looking to anyone for help. Many dental offices now provide experts who can answer questions and address concerns surrounding the intricacies that come with the financial side of dentistry, which is a welcome reality for most patients. But to minimize the number of inquiries a person might have when arriving for their dental appointment, a local dentist is here to explain the general breakdown of coverage for most insurance companies.


3 Back-to-School Oral Hygiene Tips to Ensure a Positive Dental Report

August 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandchannahon @ 2:44 pm
little boy in the dentist’s chair

Keeping young smiles healthy year-round takes time and effort. Whether a parent chooses to schedule a dental checkup before or after school starts, it is necessary that optimal oral hygiene be maintained at all times. To avoid the potential for cavities or gum disease even in smiles that are still growing and developing, there are three things a parent can do to stay on top of their child’s oral health and ensure a positive dental report, all of which are discussed in this article.


3 Reasons to Start the Dental Implant Process This Summer

June 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandchannahon @ 9:44 pm
women with dental implants

Choosing dental implants in Channahon to replace missing teeth is a decision many patients do not take lightly. Nor do they anticipate starting treatment in the summertime. However, when it comes to receiving new teeth, there is actually no better time than the warm summer months to begin the process. This article focuses on three reasons interested patients should embrace the dental implant placement process at a time when relaxation is at its peak.


Top 5 Reasons to Schedule an Age One Dental Appointment

February 16, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandchannahon @ 9:19 pm
Little girl learning how to brush at the dentist’s office

Among the many milestones of your child’s first year of life, one of the most important is their first dental appointment. There is a reason why most experts recommend visiting a children’s dentist in Channahon no later than the first birthday: doing so could protect your baby from severe oral health issues later in life, and it could potentially end up saving you a lot of time and money. Below are 5 important reasons not to delay your little one’s first dental checkup.

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