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Advanced Dental Services & Technology – Channahon, IL

Using the Latest Technology the Dental World Offers

We want all of our patients to get the care they need in as little time and with as little discomfort as possible. To accomplish that goal, Grand Dental – Channahon is equipped with the latest in dental technology. Read on to learn how we use these instruments to find and treat all kinds of oral health issues.

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Intraoral Camera

Dentist using intraoral camera to capture smile images

An intraoral camera is a small device shaped like a wand that can be used to examine the mouth closely from various angles. It will display a magnified view of the teeth and gums on a nearby monitor, allowing you and your dentist to see even the smallest issues that might have normally been overlooked.

Digital X-Rays

Dentist and dental team member looking at digital x-rays

Traditional X-rays are developed using chemicals that can harm the environment. Digital X-rays, on the other hand, are available right away, involve no chemicals, and yield much clearer results. They also reduce the amount of radiation that you are exposed to during the process by as much as 90 percent.

CT/Cone Beam Scanner

Dental patient receiving C T Cone beam digital x-ray scan

A CT/Cone Beam Scanner is a different type of X-ray. Instead of taking a picture of your mouth from a single angle, it combines numerous images into a comprehensive 3D model that shows us your teeth, oral tissues, and other structures in full detail, which makes it easier to plan certain procedures.

Soft Tissue Laser Dentistry

Patient receiving soft tissue laser dentistry treatment

From gum recontouring to frenectomies to gum disease therapy, soft tissue lasers make gum-related treatments much easier. Only damaged or unneeded tissue is removed, and the laser itself cauterizes the area as it goes along, meaning there’s less bleeding by the end of the procedure and less healing required.

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